KAS Monthly Program

Second Thursday each month from September to May

HyBRID Format (Note the Later Start TIme - Doors open at 7:00 PM and program starts at 7:30 PM)

in person (Kitsap Regional Library- Poulsbo) and

via Zoom (Link Below)

Kitsap Audubon meets on the second Thursday from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. in the lower section of the Kitsap Regional Library-Poulsbo, 700 NE Lincoln Rd, Poulsbo, WA

Note the later start time - Doors will open at 7:00 p.m. and the program will begin at 7:30 p.m.

Weather Cancellation: If Olympic College evening classes are cancelled in either Poulsbo or bremerton due to weather, KAS Membership Meetings will automATICALLY be cancelled.

For information, contact Gene Bullock at genebullock@comcast.net

Thursday, March 13th Monthly Program Hybrid (in-person/Zoom)

The Dinosaurs Amongst Us - Kim Adelson, phD (note the later start time - Doors open at 7:00 PM and program starts at 7:30 PM)

Image provided by mybackyardbirding video

The Dinosaurs Among Us - by Kim Adelson, PhD

Virtually all paleontologists agree that birds evolved from dinosaurs, and most even go further and claim that that birds are, in fact, living dinosaurs. The flood of new data coming from newly discovered fossil beds – primarily from China – has only solidified that position. Come learn about the structural and behavioral similarities between birds and the more “classic” non avian dinosaurs they evolved from. We guarantee that you will not only be surprised as to how dinosaur-like birds are, but also how very bird-like dinosaurs were. You will never think about T. rex in the same way again!

Kim Adelson was a professor of psychology for almost 30 years. Before she switched fields in order to better study behavioral evolution, she earned a master’s degree M.A. in evolutionary biology. Paleontology has been one of her avocations since she was a child. Kim is currently Vice President and Education Committee Chair of the Black Hills Audubon Society and is the Regional Representative to the Audubon Washington Advisory Board.

Meeting ID: 918 1137 4785 Passcode: 935230

To join by telephone: +1 253 215 8782

Meeting ID: 918 1137 4785

Passcode: 935230