Our chapter depends on volunteers to make progress on our conservation and educational goals. We currently have a number of opportunities for people with all kinds of skill sets. Listed below are a few of our many openings and needs.
Every one of you has special talents and skills that could benefit our work. Regardless of your background or level of bird knowledge, we would love to hear from you.
Photo of Great-horned Owlets provided by Ken Shawcroft
Photo of 2022 Bainbridge Island Earth Event provided by Pearl Kerber
Board of Directors
Our chapter's Board of Directors provides the leadership and direction our chapter needs to fulfill its mission. Our Board is an engaged group, with each member involved in different aspects of the chapter's work. We're always looking for the next cohort of leaders to fill the ranks who are passionate about bird conservation and the environment as a whole. Does this sound like you?
If interested or what to learn more, fill out the form below and submit.
Education Committee Members
Are you interested in helping Kitsap Audubon reach out to families and children? Are you able to help staff a Kitsap Audubon table at events and festivals? Could you give presentations to groups? Can you help us develop educational materials and resources?
If you answered yes to any one of the opportunities above, we’d love to have your help on the committee!
If interested or want to learn more, fill out the form below and submit.
Photo of Great Blue Heron provided by Jay Wiggs
Photo of Kitsap Audubon’s Booth at 2023 Kitsap Pride Festival provided by KAS
Photo of Bullock’s Oriole provided by Janine Schutt
Photo of field trip to Nisqually NWR provided by Don Willott
Photo of a female Kestrel Falcon provided by Don WIllott
Photo of a male, red-breasted nuthatch provided by Janine Schutt
Photo of workers maintaining trails provided by the Hansville Greenway Association
Image of a female Belted Kingfisher provided by Jay Wiggs.
Conservation Committee Members
The Conservation Committee works on conservation and community science projects such as bird monitoring and surveying. Members often have a specific project or area of interest that they focus on, but we welcome members with more general interests too.
If interested or want to learn more, fill out the form below and submit.
Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee Members
The Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee works to make Kitsap Audubon and birding in general accessible and welcoming to all.
If interested or want to learn more, fill out the form below and submit.
Scholarship Committee:
Participate in reviewing applicants and selecting recipients of Kitsap Audubon’s annual scholarship awards to graduating high school seniors and students pursuing academic degrees in fields that support our mission.
If interested or want to learn more, fill out the form below and submit.
Field Trips:
Have you enjoyed a Kitsap Audubon field trip? Help plan, organize and recruit leaders for our monthly field trips, or lead a field trip yourself to your favorite birding area.
If interested or want to learn more, fill out the form below and submit.
Help select speakers and programs for our monthly hybrid general membership meetings.
If interested or want to learn more, fill out the form below and submit.
Citizen Science:
Volunteer for one of our seasonal and ongoing citizen science projects, such as Climate Watch, Pigeon Guillemot surveys, COASST (coastal seabird monitoring), Christmas Bird Count, or Puget Sound Seabird Survey
If interested or want to learn more, fill out the form below and submit.
Habitat Restoration and Maintenance:
Join work parties in local parks, including habitat restoration, trail maintenance, and invasive plant removal.
If interested or want to learn more, fill out the form below and submit.
Contribute to our monthly newsletter:
Write articles for our monthly newsletter, The Kingfisher.
If interested or want to learn more, fill out the form below and submit.